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Google Cloud Marketplace

You can use Google Cloud Marketplace to directly launch a Weaviate cluster.

  • A Google Cloud account with sufficient credit / payment method.
  • (Recommended) Familiarity with Google Cloud and the Google Cloud console.

Installation instructions

Broadly, the steps are as follows:

  1. Go to Weaviate's Google Cloud Marketplace listing page and click Configure.
  2. Configure and deploy Weaviate by following the on-screen instructions.

We go through these steps in detail below.

Configuration options

Before you get started

Suggested configurations

  • The default values for settings such as Global Query limit, Modules and Storage Size should be suitable for a majority of cases.
  • Storage size: For production environments, at least 500GB per pod is recommended. (Smaller disks may be sufficient for dev environments.)

Once you are at the deployment page, you should see a set of options.

You will need to:

  1. Select a GKE cluster to deploy Weaviate to.
    1. Optionally, you can create a new cluster and then specify it.
  2. Set the namespace (for dividing cluster resources) and a unique app instance name for identifying the application.
  3. Set the app instance name.
  4. Set the service account for billing.
  5. Set Weaviate parameters, such as Replicas of Weaviate Instances, Global Query Limit, Enable Modules and Storage Size.
  6. If you agree, accept the terms of service and click Deploy.

Once you have done so, Weaviate will be deployed to the selected cluster. This should take a few minutes.

Accessing the cluster

Once the application has been created, you can access the cluster through the load balancer.

You can interact with the cluster using kubectl, or through the Weaviate API. We show examples below.

Interaction using kubectl

You can run the following command which will update or create a kubeconfig file for the Weaviate cluster:

gcloud container clusters get-credentials [YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME] --zone [YOUR_GC_ZONE] --project [YOUR_GC_PROJECT]
How to find the kubectl command

The exact command can be found in the Kubernetes Engine page, by clicking on the vertical ellipsis ( ) for your cluster, and clicking Connect.

Once that's set up, you can run kubectl commands as usual. For example

  • kubectl get pods -n default to list all pods in the default namespace (or whatever namespace you specified).
  • kubectl get svc --all-namespaces to list all services in all namespaces.
Example output

An example output of kubectl get svc --all-namespaces is:

NAMESPACE            NAME                                     TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)            AGE
application-system application-controller-manager-service ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 11m
default kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 11m
default weaviate LoadBalancer 80:30664/TCP 8m38s
default weaviate-headless ClusterIP None <none> 80/TCP 8m38s
gmp-system alertmanager ClusterIP None <none> 9093/TCP 10m
gmp-system gmp-operator ClusterIP <none> 8443/TCP,443/TCP 10m
kalm-system kalm-controller-manager-service ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 11m
kube-system default-http-backend NodePort <none> 80:32508/TCP 10m
kube-system kube-dns ClusterIP <none> 53/UDP,53/TCP 11m
kube-system metrics-server ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP

Here, the externally accessible Weaviate IP is

Finding the Weaviate URL

Once the application has been created, you can access Weaviate via the load balancer URL.

You can find the Weaviate endpoint URL by any of:

  • Going to the Kubernetes Engine section of Google Cloud, under Service & Ingress. Find the load balancer, and look for the Endpoints column.
  • Running kubectl get svc -n [YOUR_NAMESPACE_NAME] and looking for the EXTERNAL-IP of the weaviate service. The load balancer URL (e.g. will be the Weaviate URL (e.g.

Removing Weaviate and the cluster


Verify that all unused resources are deleted. You continue to incur costs for any remaining resources.

Removing Weaviate

To remove Weaviate and the associated services, go to the Applications section of Kubernetes Engine in Google Cloud, and delete the Weaviate deployment.

Review the Services & Ingress section as well as the Storage section to ensure that all associated services and storage are removed. You may need to delete any remaining resources manually.

Removing the cluster

If you no longer require the cluster (e.g. if you created a new cluster for Weaviate), you can delete the cluster by going to the Applications section of Kubernetes Engine in Google Cloud. Delete the cluster by selecting it from the list, clicking DELETE, and following the prompts.


You will be charged for Weaviate and associated resources directly by Google Cloud.

This will, for example, include the compute instances, volumes, and any other resources used by the cluster.

Questions and feedback

If you have any questions or feedback, let us know in the user forum.