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The authorization plugin allows Weaviate to provide differentiated access to users based on their authentication status. Along with allowing or disallowing anonymous access, Weaviate can differentiate between a user who is in the admin list, or on the read-only list.

Admin list

The admin list relies on the configured Authentication Schema to correctly identify the user. On each request, a check against a pre-configured admin list is done. If the user is contained in this list, they get all permissions. If they aren't, they get none. It is not currently possible to assign only some rights to a specific user.

Read-only list

Other than a list of admins, it is also possible to specify a list of read-only users. Those users have permissions on all get and list operations, but no other permissions.

If a subject is present on both the admin and read-only list, Weaviate will throw an error on startup due to the invalid configuration.


Using Kubernetes?

See this page for how to set up values.yaml for authentication & authorization.

Configure the admin plugin in the configuration yaml like so:


The above would enable the plugin and make users and admins. Additionally, users ian-smith and will have read-only permissions.

User identifier

As shown in the above example, any string can be used to identify the user. This depends on what you configured in the authentication settings. For example, OIDC users may be identified by their email address by setting AUTHENTICATION_OIDC_USERNAME_CLAIM as email, whereas API key-authenticated users may be identified as a plain string such as ian-smith.


More fine-grained Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) coming soon. As of now the only possible distinction is between Admins (CRUD), Read-Only Users and entirely unauthorized users.

Questions and feedback

If you have any questions or feedback, let us know in the user forum.