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Weaviate on AWS

Powerful AI-native vector database. Simple, secure deployment on AWS.

End-to-end vector search and generative AI apps, faster

Weaviate is an open source vector database that's purpose-built for AI.
Tight integrations with AWS infrastructure and services like SageMaker
and Bedrock help developers build and deploy production-ready
generative AI applications with less hassle.

AI-native architecture

Sub-second semantic search performance and ability to scale to handle billions of vectors and millions of tenants.

Modular integration framework

Natively integrate with AWS SageMaker, AWS Bedrock, and model providers like Cohere, OpenAI, Hugging Face, and more. Or, use custom models.

Secure deployment on AWS

Weaviate is available in AWS marketplace and allows one-click container based scalable deployment inside the customers tenant.

Weaviate and AWS integration

Whether you are a traditional enterprise with an on-prem data footprint or a digital native,
Weaviate can meet you where you are on your journey to the cloud. Enterprises can
migrate data to AWS with Weaviate and power real-time analytics and apps on a unified
data platform. This supports everything from fraud detection, predictive maintenance, to
customer retention. We accelerate your journey to the cloud with a complete data in
motion platform, powered by Apache Kafka.

Weaviate Powered by AWS Bedrock

Using Amazon Bedrock, customers can harness large language models and build AI capabilities
within the Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment, allowing them to create innovative
semantic search and generative AI functionalities. In this video, you’ll hear how Weaviate is growing
fast using AWS, as well as how the company plans to expand its platform and deliver greater
security to customers in the cloud.

Features and Pricing

Contact to receive details about your critical response SLA, the setup of support
channels (Slack, email, and phone), and to receive optional complimentary training from experts at Weaviate.