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Authentication in Weaviate (videos)

ยท 3 min read

Authentication in Weaviate


Authentication is one of those topics that we get quite a few questions about. And we can see why. It's a big, complex topic, and even within Weaviate, there are many options available which can make it seem quite confusing.

The core concept of authentication is relatively simple. When a client (e.g. a Weaviate client) sends a request to a server (e.g. a Weaviate database), it includes a "secret" that provides some assurances to Weaviate as to who that request is coming from, so that it can operate on that information.

Conceptual diagram of sending a request with authentication credentials Conceptual diagram of sending a request with authentication credentials

In other words, the server can provide as much access as the particular user is allowed.

But balancing security with usability can be a tricky line to draw, as everybody has different needs and often use different systems.

So, we thought that this might be a good time to provide an overview of all things authentication in Weaviate. Also, we've recently introduced an API key-based authentication method, which we think might be a good balance of security and usability for many of you. Please check them out below.

Each video is only 3-6 minutes, and you do not need to watch them in order.
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Introduction to authentication in Weaviateโ€‹


  • 0:00 Overview
  • 0:13 What is authentication? & Key considerations
  • 0:58 Overview of available authentication options in Weaviate (anonymous / API key authentication / OIDC authentication)
  • 1:54 General Recommendations

Authentication: A client-side perspectiveโ€‹


  • 0:00 Overview
  • 0:28 Getting authentication information from Weaviate Cloud
  • 2:10 Authenticating against Weaviate
  • 2:28 Anonymous access
  • 3:01 API key authentication
  • 3:45 OIDC (username+password) authentication
  • 4:21 Read-only key
  • 4:38 Authentication in action
  • 5:36 Wrap-up

Authentication: Key conceptsโ€‹


  • 0:00 Overview
  • 0:31 Anonymous access
  • 0:46 Authentication
  • 0:58 API key authentication
  • 1:04 OIDC authentication
  • 1:36 Authentication & Authorization
  • 1:52 A comparison of options
  • 2:09 Additional complexities in OIDC
  • 2:54 summary

Authentication: A server-side perspectiveโ€‹


  • 0:00 Overview
  • 0:35 Weaviate without authentication
  • 1:39 Setting up API key access
  • 2:32 Enabling authorization (tiered access)
  • 3:46 Setting up OIDC access
  • 5:30 Enabling authorization with OIDC
  • 5:54 Summary
  • 6:02 Relevant environment variables

Read more:โ€‹

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