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We've built these courses to help you build amazing things with Weaviate, faster.


PY_101T: Text data with Weaviate

Course Python client (v4); project-based

Project-based learning where you'll learn how to build with Weaviate and any text data. Weaviate generates the vectors for you.

PY_101V: Your own vectors with Weaviate

Course Python client (v4); project-based

Project-based learning where you'll learn how to build with Weaviate and your own data and vectors. This version is for those who prefer to use your own vectors built outside of Weaviate.

PY_101M: Multimodal data with Weaviate

Course Python client (v4); project-based

Project-based learning where you'll learn how to build with Weaviate and multi-modal data. Weaviate generates the vectors for you.

PY_220: Flexible data representation: Named vectors

Course Python client (v4); project-based

Learn how named vectors can provide a flexible way to represent your data in Weaviate.

PY_230: Vector indexes

Course Python client (v4)

Vector indexes are the key components for vector search. Learn what they are, and how to use them effectively to suit your needs.

PY_250: Vector compression for improved efficiency

Course Python client (v4)

Vectors can be compressed to reduce memory requirements or improve retrieval speeds. Find out how to get the most out of this feature.

PY_275: Text tokenization

Course Python client (v4)

What happens when text is indexed, and searched, or converted into a vector? They are 'tokenized'. Learn what this is, and how you can make it work for you.

TS_100: Intro to Weaviate with TypeScript (or JavaScript)

Course TS clients; project-based

A practical course where you can learn how to add Weaviate to a TypeScript (or JavaScript) app.

P3_1: Zero to MVP: The basics

Course Python client (v3)

Start here: Get started with all the core knowledge and essential skills for building with Weaviate. Learn how to build a Weaviate database and effectively perform queries to find the right data.