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Set up Javascript/TypeScript for Weaviate

Follow this short guide to make sure that you are set up to use Weaviate with the Typescript/Javascript client.

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Install Node.js

Is Node.js installed?

Open a terminal window (e.g. bash, zsh, Windows PowerShell, Windows Terminal), and run:

node --version # or node -v

If you have Node.js installed, you should see a response like v22.3.0. The minimum version of Node.js supported by the Weaviate Typescript/Javascript library is v18.

Install Node.js

To install, follow the instructions for your system on

Once you have Node.js installed, check the version again to confirm that you have a recommended version installed.

Advanced option: nvm

Another good way to install Python is to install nvm. This will allow you to manage multiple versions of Node.js on your system. You can find instructions on how to install nvm here.

(Optional) Set up Typescript

To install, follow the instructions for your system on Once installed, you can find instruction on how to configure Typescript to work with the Weaviate client documented here.

Now Typescript is ready to use with the Weaviate client.

Install the Weaviate client

Now, you can install the Weaviate client library, which will make it much easier to interact with Weaviate using Typescript.

In a new folder for your project, install the Weaviate client with:

npm install weaviate-client

Confirm the installation

To confirm that the Weaviate client is installed, run the following in your terminal:

npm view weaviate-client

You should see an output like:


Congratulations, you are now set up to use Weaviate with the Weaviate TypeScript/JavaScript client library!

Questions and feedback

If you have any questions or feedback, let us know in the user forum.