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Import data


This example imports the movie data into our collection.

Amazingly, the exact same code that we used for single vector configuration in the multimodal course can be used here. This is because the named vector configuration is set up in the collection definition, and Weaviate handles the rest.

import weaviate
import pandas as pd
import requests
from datetime import datetime, timezone
import json
from weaviate.util import generate_uuid5
from tqdm import tqdm
import os
import zipfile
from pathlib import Path
import base64

# Instantiate your client (not shown). e.g.:
# client = weaviate.connect_to_local()

data_url = ""
resp = requests.get(data_url)
df = pd.DataFrame(resp.json())

# Create a directory for the images
img_dir = Path("scratch/imgs")
img_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

# Download images
posters_url = ""
posters_path = img_dir / ""

# Unzip the images
with zipfile.ZipFile(posters_path, "r") as zip_ref:

# Get the collection
movies = client.collections.get("MovieNVDemo")

# Enter context manager
with movies.batch.fixed_size(50) as batch:
# Loop through the data
for i, movie in tqdm(df.iterrows()):
# Convert data types
# Convert a JSON date to `datetime` and add time zone information
release_date = datetime.strptime(movie["release_date"], "%Y-%m-%d").replace(
# Convert a JSON array to a list of integers
genre_ids = json.loads(movie["genre_ids"])
# Convert image to base64
img_path = img_dir / f"{movie['id']}_poster.jpg"
with open(img_path, "rb") as file:
poster_b64 = base64.b64encode("utf-8")

# Build the object payload
movie_obj = {
"title": movie["title"],
"overview": movie["overview"],
"vote_average": movie["vote_average"],
"genre_ids": genre_ids,
"release_date": release_date,
"tmdb_id": movie["id"],
"poster": poster_b64,

# Add object to batch queue
# Batcher automatically sends batches

# Check for failed objects
if len(movies.batch.failed_objects) > 0:
print(f"Failed to import {len(movies.batch.failed_objects)} objects")
for failed in movies.batch.failed_objects:
print(f"e.g. Failed to import object with error: {failed.message}")


The code:

  • Loads the source text and image data
  • Gets the collection
  • Enters a context manager with a batcher (batch) object
  • Loops through the data and:
    • Finds corresponding image to the text
    • Converts the image to base64
    • Adds objects to the batcher
  • Prints out any import errors

We won't repeat the explanation of the code here, as it is the same as in the multimodal course. If you would like a refresher, please review the multimodal course.

Where do the vectors come from?

When the batcher sends the queue to Weaviate, the objects are added to the collection. In our case, the movie collection.

In this case, recall that we have three named vectors for each object - title, overview and poster_title. The vectors are generated by the vectorizers that we set up in the collection definition.

  • The title vector is generated by the text2vec-openai vectorizer
  • The overview vector is generated by the text2vec-openai vectorizer
  • The poster_title vector is generated by the multi2vec-clip vectorizer

Next, we will explore how these named vectors provide flexibility in searching for our data.

Questions and feedback

If you have any questions or feedback, let us know in the user forum.