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Support levels

Weaviate Cloud (WCD) offers multiple levels of support. You have the flexibility to choose the level of support that you need.

Service levels

Sandboxes and self-hosted clusters are not eligible for paid support.

Paid support is available for Serverless Cloud, Enterprise Cloud, and Bring Your Own Cloud clusters.

  • For Serverless instances, the default support level is Standard support. You are automatically enrolled for Standard support when you create a Serverless cluster. To switch to another level, contact our sales team

  • For Weaviate Enterprise Cloud and Bring Your Own Cloud clusters, contact our sales team to discuss which level of support is right for you.

Standard support

  • Standard support is email based and is available during business hours.

  • Monitoring. The Weaviate Cloud team monitors your cluster.

  • Severity determines incident response time:

SeverityCriteriaResponse Time
1 - CriticalIssues that are critical and require immediate attention,
causing widespread disruption or outages.
1 business day
2 - HighHigh-priority problems that can impact service functionality
or performance for a subset of users.
2 business day
3 - MediumMedium-priority concerns that affect service functionality
or performance for a limited number of users or use cases.
3 business day
4 - LowLower urgency and impact, causing minor inconveniences or
issues for individual users.
5 business day

Professional support

  • Professional support is email based and is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

  • Severity 1 and Severity 2 incident response includes a follow up phone call.

  • Monitoring The Weaviate Cloud team monitors your cluster.

  • Severity determines incident response time:

SeverityCriteriaResponse Time
1 - CriticalIssues that are critical and require immediate attention,
causing widespread disruption or outages.
4 hours
2 - HighHigh-priority problems that can impact service functionality
or performance for a subset of users.
8 hours
3 - MediumMedium-priority concerns that affect service functionality
or performance for a limited number of users or use cases.
1 business day
4 - LowLower urgency and impact, causing minor inconveniences or
issues for individual users.
2 business days

For details, refer to your support agreement.

Business critical support

  • Business critical support is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Support is email based.

  • Telephone hotline available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for escalations.

  • Severity 1, Severity 2, and Severity 3 incident response includes a follow up phone call.

  • Monitoring. The Weaviate Cloud team monitors your cluster.

  • Severity determines incident response time:

SeverityCriteriaResponse Time
1 - CriticalIssues that are critical and require immediate attention,
causing widespread disruption or outages.
1 hour
2 - HighHigh-priority problems that can impact service functionality
or performance for a subset of users.
4 hours
3 - MediumMedium-priority concerns that affect service functionality
or performance for a limited number of users or use cases.
8 hours
4 - LowLower urgency and impact, causing minor inconveniences or
issues for individual users.
1 business day

For details, refer to your support agreement.


Sandboxes are not eligible for paid support. For help with a sandbox instance, try one of these resources:


Serverless clusters are billed monthly. The monthly charge for a cluster depends on resource usage. Your support level is a factor in the monthly cost, but you are not charged per support incident.

Each support level (SLA) has a billing rate. Weaviate Cloud counts the objects in your cluster and multiples that number by the rate for your SLA level. Weaviate Cloud adjusts the number if compression is enabled. The result is your usage charge.

If you have a high availability cluster (HA), Weaviate Cloud multiples the usage charge by three to account for the additional resources.

There is a minimum monthly charge at each SLA level. If your usage charge is less than the monthly minimum, Weaviate charges you the monthly minimum cost. If your usage charge is higher than the minimum value for your SLA, Weaviate charges you for your cluster usage.

To estimate costs for different combinations of usage levels and SLAs, see the pricing calculator.


For help with Serverless Cloud, Enterprise Cloud, and Bring Your Own Cloud accounts, contact Weaviate support directly to open a support ticket.

For questions and support from the Weaviate community, try these resources:

To add a support plan, contact Weaviate sales.