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JS/TS client v2

TypeScript client version

The TypeScript client is version v3.4.0. Use the TypeScript v3 client for new projects.

The TypeScript client can be used for both JavaScript and TypeScript scripts.

Installation and setup

To install the TypeScript client library package, use npm.

npm install weaviate-ts-client

Usage and type definitions

Once installed, you can use the client in your TypeScript and JavaScript scripts, as shown in the following examples.


const { default: weaviate } = require('weaviate-ts-client');

const client = weaviate.client({
scheme: 'https',
host: 'WEAVIATE_INSTANCE_URL', // Replace with your Weaviate endpoint

.then(res => {
.catch(err => {
Troubleshooting imports with TypeScript

If you are having any issues with the import statement in TypeScript (e.g. if weaviate is undefined), try adding "esModuleInterop": true to your "compilerOptions" in tsconfig.json.

Type definitions

The type definitions can be found under the types subdirectory of the package in the *.d.ts files, for example as shown on the npm package page.


For more comprehensive information on configuring authentication with Weaviate, refer to the authentication page.

The TypeScript client offers multiple options for authenticating against Weaviate, including multiple OIDC authentication flows.

The suitable authentication options and methods for the client largely depend on the specific configuration of the Weaviate instance.

API key authentication

If you use an API key to authenticate, instantiate the client like this:

const { default: weaviate } = require('weaviate-ts-client');

// Instantiate the client with the auth config
const client = weaviate.client({
scheme: 'https',
host: '', // Replace with your Weaviate endpoint
apiKey: new weaviate.ApiKey('learn-weaviate'), // Replace with your Weaviate instance API key

OIDC authentication

To authenticate against Weaviate with OIDC, you must select a flow made available by the identity provider and create the flow-specific authentication configuration.

This configuration will then be used by the Weaviate client to authenticate. The configuration includes secrets that help the client obtain an access token and, if configured, a refresh token.

The access token is added to the HTTP header of each request and is utilized for authentication with Weaviate. Typically, this token has a limited lifespan, and the refresh token can be employed to obtain a new set of tokens when necessary.

Background refresh processes with TS

When using OIDC with the TypeScript client, its background token refresh process can block a script from exiting. If this behavior is not desired, you can:

  1. Set the silentRefresh parameter as false in the OIDC configuration. Or,
  2. Stop the process via client.oidcAuth?.stopTokenRefresh(), e.g. when a script is expected to exit, or token refresh is no longer needed.

Resource Owner Password Flow

This OIDC flow uses the username and password to obtain required tokens for authentication.

Note that not every provider automatically includes a refresh token and an appropriate scope might be required that depends on your identity provider. The client uses offline_access as the default scope. This works with some providers, but as it depends on the configuration of the identity providers, we ask you to refer to the identity provider's documentation.

Without a refresh token, there is no possibility to acquire a new access token and the client becomes unauthenticated after expiration.


The Weaviate client does not save the username or password used.

They are only used to obtain the first tokens, after which existing tokens will be used to obtain subsequent tokens if possible.

const { default: weaviate } = require('weaviate-ts-client');

const client = weaviate.client({
scheme: 'https',
host: 'WEAVIATE_INSTANCE_URL', // Replace with your instance URL
authClientSecret: new weaviate.AuthUserPasswordCredentials({
username: 'user123',
password: 'password',
silentRefresh: true, // Default: true - if false, you must refresh the token manually; if true, this background process will prevent a script from exiting.
scopes: ['offline_access'] // optional, depends on the configuration of your identity provider (not required with WCD)

Client Credentials flow

This OIDC flow uses a client secret to obtain required tokens for authentication.

This flow is recommended for server-to-server communication without end-users and authenticates an application to Weaviate. This authentication flow is typically regarded as more secure than the resource owner password flow: a compromised client secret can be simply revoked, whereas a compromised password may have larger implications beyond the scope of breached authentication.

To authenticate a client secret most identity providers require a scope to be specified. This scope depends on the configuration of the identity providers, so we ask you to refer to the identity provider's documentation.

Most providers do not include a refresh token in their response so client secret is saved in the client to obtain a new access token on expiration of the existing one.

const { default: weaviate } = require('weaviate-ts-client');

const client = weaviate.client({
scheme: 'https',
host: 'WEAVIATE_INSTANCE_URL', // Replace with your instance URL
authClientSecret: new weaviate.AuthClientCredentials({
clientSecret: 'supersecuresecret',
silentRefresh: true, // Default: true - if false, you must refresh the token manually; if true, this background process will prevent a script from exiting.
scopes: ['scope1', 'scope2'] // optional, depends on the configuration of your identity provider

Refresh Token flow

Any other OIDC authentication method can be used to obtain tokens directly from your identity provider, for example by using this step-by-step guide of the hybrid flow.

If no refresh token is provided, there is no possibility to obtain a new access token and the client becomes unauthenticated after expiration.

const { default: weaviate } = require('weaviate-ts-client');

const client = weaviate.client({
scheme: 'https',
host: 'WEAVIATE_INSTANCE_URL', // Replace with your instance URL
authClientSecret: new weaviate.AuthAccessTokenCredentials({
accessToken: 'abcd1234',
expiresIn: 900,
refreshToken: 'efgh5678',
silentRefresh: true, // Default: true - if false, you must refresh the token manually; if true, this background process will prevent a script from exiting.

Custom headers

You can pass custom headers to the client, which are added at initialization:

const { default: weaviate } = require('weaviate-ts-client');

const client = weaviate.client({
scheme: 'https',
host: 'WEAVIATE_INSTANCE_URL', // Replace with your instance URL
headers: { headerName: 'HeaderValue' }

These headers will then be included in every request that the client makes.


JS to TS migration

Some older code examples are written in JavaScript and have not been updated yet. Newer code examples use TypeScript.

Our RESTful endpoints and GraphQL functions covered by the TypeScript client currently have JavaScript examples in the code blocks.


Builder pattern

The TypeScript client is designed following the Builder pattern. The pattern is used to build complex query objects. This means that calls (for example to retrieve data with a RESTful GET request, or using a more complex GraphQL query) are built with chained objects to reduce complexity. Some builder objects are optional, others are required to perform specific functions. Builder examples can be found in the RESTful API reference pages and the GraphQL reference pages.

The code snippet at the top of this page shows a simple query corresponding to the RESTful request GET /v1/schema. The client is initialized by requiring the package and connecting to a local instance. Then, a query is constructed by getting the .schema with .getter(). The query will be sent with the .do() call. do() is required for every function you want to build and execute.

General notes

  • All methods use ES6 Promises to deal with asynchronous code, so you need to use .then() after function calls, or have async/await support.
  • In the case of an error, the Promise rejects with the specific error message. (If using async/await, a rejected promises acts like a thrown exception).
  • Internally the client uses isomorphic-fetch to make the REST calls, so it should work from both the browser and NodeJS applications without any required changes.

TypeScript for JavaScript users

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript. There are, however, some differences that you should be aware of. This section offers some suggestions for JavaScript users who are new to TypeScript.

Run a TypeScript file

To run a TypeScript file, first convert it to JavaScript. The typescript package from npm includes the tsc utility. Use tsc to convert (transpile) the TypeScript file.

Install the typescript package. Add the -g flag if you want the package to be available globally.

npm install typescript

Some packages, like the Weaviate TypeScript client, require extra configuration. The root directory of a TypeScript project has a tsconfig.json file. Add the following to your tsconfig.json.

  • Compiler options

    • "target": "esnext"
    • "module": "esnext"
    • "moduleResolution": "node"
  • "include": ["*.ts"] (Or specific files)

  • "lib": [ "es2018" ]

Don't specify filenames on the command line when you use tsconfig.json. Specify the TypeScript files in tsconfig.json instead. tsc only reads tsconfig.json when you run it by itself.


node only allows the import statement in modules. To allow the import statement, add the following to your package.json file.

"type": "module"


To run this example, complete these steps.

  • Install the typescript package.
  • Update the tsconfig.json and package.json files as described above.
  • Copy the sample code.
  • Save the code as sample.ts in the same directory as tsconfig.json and package.json.
  • Convert and run the code.

Use this code to create sample.ts.

Sample TypeScript code
import weaviate from 'weaviate-ts-client';

const client = weaviate.client({
scheme: 'https',
host: '',
apiKey: new weaviate.ApiKey('learn-weaviate'),


Convert sample.ts.


Run the converted file.

node sample.js

The output looks like this.

Sample output
"clientId": "wcs",
"href": ""

Client releases

Click here for a table of Weaviate and corresponding client versions

This table lists the Weaviate core versions and corresponding client library versions.

release date

TypeScript client change

The TypeScript client replaced the JavaScript client on 2023-03-17.

Client change logs

The client change logs for each release are available on GitHub.

Questions and feedback

If you have any questions or feedback, let us know in the user forum.