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Weaviate 1.25 migration guide for Kubernetes users

Assumptions & requirements

This migration guide assumes that you have:

  • A working knowledge of kubernetes, helm and shell commands.
  • Deployed Weaviate on kubernetes, in the weaviate namespace
  • Access to your helm configuration file e.g. (values.yaml).

Migration overview

Weaviate 1.25 introduces Raft as the consensus algorithm for its cluster metadata, in order to improve its fault tolerance. This change requires a migration of the entire metadata.

cluster metadata and schema

The cluster metadata was previously referred to as the schema. We now use the term metadata, and use schema to refer to the data model of the Weaviate instance, such as classes, properties, etc.

As a result, to migrate from a pre-1.25 version of Weaviate to 1.25 on kubernetes, you must follow these steps:

  • Delete the deployed StatefulSet
  • Update the helm chart to version 17.0.0 or higher
  • Re-deploy Weaviate
  • Wait for cluster metadata migration to complete

For more details, refer to the upgrade instructions below.

To downgrade from 1.25 to a pre-1.25 version, you must perform a POST request to the v1/cluster/schema-v1 endpoint to downgrade the metadata. Then, you must similarly delete the deployed StatefulSet and downgrade Weaviate to the desired version.

For more details, refer to the downgrade instructions below.

Cluster downtime

This upgrade requires a cluster metadata migration. The cluster requires some downtime for the migration. The length of the downtime depends on the size of the database.

We suggest performing this upgrade at a least disruptive time, or even provisioning a secondary cluster while the main cluster is being restarted.

Upgrade instructions


If your deployment is on another namespace, modify the instructions below accordingly, where it follows -n. For example, if your deployment is on my_namespace , the first command will become kubectl delete sts weaviate -n my_namespace.

(Optional) Backup

Before proceeding with the upgrade, we recommend making a backup of your Weaviate database. If a backup is not possible, you can explore other options, such as manually exporting your data

1. Delete StatefulSet

First, delete the existing StatefulSet. This will delete all the pods in the namespace.

kubectl delete sts weaviate -n weaviate

You should see an output like this:

statefulset.apps "weaviate" deleted

Once the StatefulSet is deleted, you should not see any pods in the namespace.

kubectl get pods -n weaviate

2. Update Helm Chart

Then, update the repository to fetch the latest changes:

helm repo update weaviate

Check the helm chart version as shown below. (It should be at least 17.0.0.)

helm search repo weaviate

3. Deploy Weaviate

Then, re-deploy Weaviate as shown below. This will apply your existing configuration file values.yaml, and allow the Weaviate cluster to restart anew under the new consensus algorithm (Raft).

Here, the image tag is overridden to 1.25.0. You can also modify this value directly in the values.yaml file.

helm upgrade weaviate weaviate/weaviate \
--namespace weaviate \
--values ./values.yaml \
--set image.tag="1.25.0" \

4. Verify update

The pods may take a little bit of time to get up and running again. To confirm that the cluster is up and running, you can view the v1/cluster/statistics endpoint.

For example, you can use curl (and jq for pretty printing) to check the status of the cluster. (Remember to replace localhost:8080 with the correct URL & port.)

curl -s localhost:8080/v1/cluster/statistics | jq

If successful, you should see a response similar to this:

"statistics": [
// ...
"leaderAddress": "",
"leaderId": "weaviate-0",
"name": "weaviate-0",
"open": true,
"raft": {},
"ready": true,
"status": "HEALTHY"
// ...
"leaderAddress": "",
"leaderId": "weaviate-1",
"name": "weaviate-1",
"open": true,
"raft": {},
"ready": true,
"status": "HEALTHY"
// ...
"leaderAddress": "",
"leaderId": "weaviate-2",
"name": "weaviate-2",
"open": true,
"raft": {},
"ready": true,
"status": "HEALTHY"
"synchronized": true

If the number of objects under statistics matches the number of replicas you have set in your values.yaml file, and the synchronized flag is true, then the cluster is up and running.

Downgrade instructions

If you need to downgrade from 1.25 to a pre-1.25 version, you must perform a POST request to the v1/cluster/schema-v1 (a payload is not required) to downgrade the cluster metadata.

1. Downgrade cluster metadata

Perform the following request to downgrade the cluster metadata. This will prepare the cluster for a downgrade to a pre-1.25 version. (Remember to replace localhost:8080 with the correct URL & port.)

curl -X POST -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" localhost:8080/v1/cluster/schema-v1

This should return a 200 status code.

2. Delete StatefulSet

After downgrading the cluster metadata, delete the existing StatefulSet. This will delete all the pods in the namespace.

kubectl delete sts weaviate -n weaviate

3. Downgrade Weaviate

Now, proceed with the downgrade of Weaviate. Run the following command, for example, to downgrade to version 1.24.10.

helm upgrade weaviate weaviate/weaviate \
--namespace weaviate \
--values ./values.yaml \
--set image.tag="1.24.10"

This should bring the cluster back to your specified pre-1.25 version.

If you have any questions or feedback, let us know in the user forum.