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Tenant states

Multi-tenant collections enable you to efficiently manage isolated subsets of data using the same schema and configuration. Weaviate supports the following tenant states:

Tenant stateCRUD & QueriesVector IndexInverted IndexObject DataTime to ActivateTenant description
Active (default)YesHot/WarmWarmWarmNoneAvailable for use
InactiveNoWarmWarmWarmFastNot available for use, stored locally
OffloadedNoColdColdColdSlowNot available for use, stored on the cloud

A tenant status management strategy can help you to balance cost and performance. Here's why. An active tenant with an HNSW index uses hot resources, which are the most expensive. At the other end of the spectrum, an offloaded tenant uses cold resources, which are the least expensive.

Tenant states and resource usage

Hot tenants can be deactivated to warm storage to reduce memory usage, and any tenant can be offloaded to cold storage to reduce memory and disk usage. Conversely, any tenant can be reactivated when needed.

Therefore, consider a strategy of deactivating tenants that are not frequently accessed, and offloading tenants that are rarely accessed.

For example, imagine an e-commerce platform with separate tenants for each vendor. During a holiday sale, the tenant for a popular electronics vendor might be kept active for quick access, while tenants for seasonal vendors (e.g., Christmas decorations in July) could be offloaded to cold storage to save resources.

Understanding how tenant states interact with different index types is crucial for developing an effective resource management strategy. Let's explore this relationship in more detail.

Tenant states and index types

Tenant states management strategies are tied to index types. This is because the index type determines the resources used by a tenant. For example, a tenant with an HNSW index type uses hot resources, while a tenant with a flat index type uses warm resources.

If a multi-tenant collection is configured with a dynamic index type, some tenants may be stored in warm storage (flat index) and others in hot storage (HNSW index). As a result, effectively managing tenants with HNSW indexes may have the most significant impact on resource usage.

We suggest following the following guidelines for selecting a tenant state:

Tenant state selection rule of thumb flowchart

If you are unsure which tenants can be made inactive or offloaded, consider a strategy of deactivating tenants that have not been accessed for a certain period of time. And offloading tenants that have not been accessed for a longer period of time.


Here are some resources to implement hands-on tenant offloading in Weaviate.

Configure tenant offloading

In order to use tenant offloading, you need to configure an offload module.
(See How-to: Configure tenant offloading)

Update a tenant state

A tenant state can be switched between active, inactive, and offloaded at any time.
(See How-to: Manage tenant states for instructions and code examples.)

Auto-activate tenants

You can configure a collection to automatically activate (inactive and offloaded) tenants when they are accessed.
This can provide a balance between resource usage and performance.
(See How-to: Auto-activate tenants for instructions and code examples.)

Questions and feedback

If you have any questions or feedback, let us know in the user forum.