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Data consistency is a property of distributed databases. Data is consistent when the data that is distributed across multiple nodes is the same on all of the nodes. Data consistency is an important consideration for multi-node clusters.

In Weaviate data consistency has two components, schema consistency and data object consistency.

The schema defines the structure, or the blueprint, of the data. Weaviate uses a strong consistency protocol and the Raft consensus algorithm for schema replication.

Data objects, on the other hand, are eventually consistent. This means all nodes eventually contain the same data, but at a given point in time some nodes may be out of sync. Unlike Raft, Weaviate uses a leaderless design with eventual consistency guarantees for data replication.

The different designs reflect the trade-off between consistency and availability that is described in the CAP Theorem. In Weaviate, data consistency is tunable, so it's up to you how you make the trade-off between A and C.

The strength of consistency can be determined by applying the following conditions:

  • If r + w > n, then the system is strongly consistent.
    • r is the consistency level of read operations
    • w is the consistency level of write operations
    • n is the replication factor (number of replicas)
  • If r + w <= n, then eventual consistency is the best that can be reached in this scenario.


The data schema in Weaviate is strongly consistent. Once you use Weaviate, the data schema is rarely changed. From a user's perspective, it is acceptable that the latency for updating a schema is a bit higher than querying and updating data. By a 'slow' schema update, Weaviate can ensure consistency because it disallows multiple schema changes at the same time.

Post-v1.25 schema consensus algorithm

From v1.25, Weaviate uses the Raft consensus algorithm for schema replication. Raft is a consensus algorithm with a strong consistency model, and an elected leader node that coordinates replication across the cluster using a log-based approach.

As a result, each request that changes the schema will be sent to the leader node. The leader node will apply the change to its logs, then propagate the changes to the follower nodes. Once a quorum of nodes has acknowledged the schema change, the leader node will commit the change and confirm it to the client.

This architecture ensures that schema changes are consistent across the cluster, even in the event of (a minority of) node failures.

Pre-v1.25 schema consensus algorithm

A schema update is done via a Distributed Transaction algorithm. This is a set of operations that is done across databases on different nodes in the distributed network. Weaviate uses a two-phase commit (2PC) protocol, which replicates the schema updates in a short period of time (milliseconds).

A clean (without fails) execution has two phases:

  1. The commit-request phase (or voting phase), in which a coordinator node asks each node whether they are able to receive and process the update.
  2. The commit phase, in which the coordinator commits the changes to the nodes.

Data objects

Data objects in Weaviate have eventual consistency, which means that all nodes will eventually contain the most updated data if the data is not updated for a while. It might happen that after a data update, not all nodes are updated yet, but there is a guarantee that all nodes will be up-to-date after some time. Weaviate uses two-phase commits for objects as well, adjusted for the consistency level. For example for a QUORUM write (see below), if there are 5 nodes, 3 requests will be sent out, each of them using a 2-phase commit under the hood.

Eventual consistency provides BASE semantics:

  • Basically available: reading and writing operations are as available as possible
  • Soft-state: there are no consistency guarantees since updates might not yet have converged
  • Eventually consistent: if the system functions long enough, after some writes, all nodes will be consistent.

Weaviate uses eventual consistency to help ensure high availability. Read and write consistency are tunable, so you can tradeoff between availability and consistency to match your application needs.

The animation below is an example of how a write or a read is performed with Weaviate with a replication factor of 3 and 8 nodes. The blue node acts as coordinator node. The consistency level is set to QUORUM, so the coordinator node only waits for two out of three responses before sending the result back to the client.

Write consistency QUORUM

Tunable write consistency

Adding or changing data objects are write operations.


Write operations are tunable starting with Weaviate v1.18, to ONE, QUORUM (default) or ALL. In v1.17, write operations are always set to ALL (highest consistency).

The main reason for introducing configurable write consistency in v1.18 is because that is also when automatic repairs are introduced. A write will always be written to n (replication factor) nodes, regardless of the chosen consistency level. The coordinator node however waits for acknowledgements from ONE, QUORUM or ALL nodes before it returns. To guarantee that a write is applied everywhere without the availability of repairs on read requests, write consistency is set to ALL for now. Possible settings in v1.18+ are:

  • ONE - a write must receive an acknowledgement from at least one replica node. This is the fastest (most available), but least consistent option.
  • QUORUM - a write must receive an acknowledgement from at least QUORUM replica nodes. QUORUM is calculated as n / 2 + 1, where n is the number of replicas (replication factor). For example, using a replication factor of 6, the quorum is 4, which means the cluster can tolerate 2 replicas down.
  • ALL - a write must receive an acknowledgement from all replica nodes. This is the most consistent, but 'slowest' (least available) option.

Figure below: a replicated Weaviate setup with write consistency of ONE. There are 8 nodes in total out of which 3 replicas.

Write consistency ONE

Figure below: a replicated Weaviate setup with Write Consistency of QUORUM (n/2+1). There are 8 nodes in total, out of which 3 replicas.

Write consistency QUORUM

Figure below: a replicated Weaviate setup with Write Consistency of ALL. There are 8 nodes in total, out of which 3 replicas.

Write consistency ALL

Tunable read consistency

Read operations are GET requests to data objects in Weaviate. Like write, read consistency is tunable, to ONE, QUORUM (default) or ALL.


Prior to v1.18, read consistency was tunable only for requests that obtained an object by id, and all other read requests had a consistency of ALL.

The following consistency levels are applicable to most read operations:

  • Starting with v1.18, consistency levels are applicable to REST endpoint operations.
  • Starting with v1.19, consistency levels are applicable to GraphQL Get requests.
  • ONE - a read response must be returned by at least one replica. This is the fastest (most available), but least consistent option.
  • QUORUM - a response must be returned by QUORUM amount of replica nodes. QUORUM is calculated as n / 2 + 1, where n is the number of replicas (replication factor). For example, using a replication factor of 6, the quorum is 4, which means the cluster can tolerate 2 replicas down.
  • ALL - a read response must be returned by all replicas. The read operation will fail if at least one replica fails to respond. This is the most consistent, but 'slowest' (least available) option.


  • ONE
    In a single datacenter with a replication factor of 3 and a read consistency level of ONE, the coordinator node will wait for a response from one replica node.

    Write consistency ONE

    In a single datacenter with a replication factor of 3 and a read consistency level of QUORUM, the coordinator node will wait for n / 2 + 1 = 3 / 2 + 1 = 2 replicas nodes to return a response.

    Write consistency QUORUM

  • ALL
    In a single datacenter with a replication factor of 3 and a read consistency level of ALL, the coordinator node will wait for all 3 replicas nodes to return a response.

    Write consistency ALL

Tunable consistency strategies

Depending on the desired tradeoff between consistency and speed, below are three common consistency level pairings for write / read operations. These are minimum requirements that guarantee eventually consistent data:

  • QUORUM / QUORUM => balanced write and read latency
  • ONE / ALL => fast write and slow read (optimized for write)
  • ALL / ONE => slow write and fast read (optimized for read)


When Weaviate detects inconsistent data across nodes, it attempts to repair the out of sync nodes.

Starting in v1.26, Weaviate adds async replication to proactively detect inconsistencies. In earlier versions, Weaviate uses a repair-on-read strategy to repair inconsistencies at read time.


Added in v1.18

If your read consistency is set to All or Quorum, the read coordinator can detect if the nodes in your cluster return different responses. When the coordinator detects a difference, it can attempt to repair the inconsistency.

Object never existed on some node.Propagate the object to the noes where it is missing.
Object is out of date.Update the object on stale nodes.
Object was deleted on some replicas.Returns an error. Deletion may have failed, or the object may have been partially recreated.

When Weaviate resyncs data, the replication process depends on the collection's write consistency guarantees.

Write consistency levelRead consistency level

Repairs only happen on read, so they do not create a lot of background overhead. However, an inconsistent state may persist for a long time until the nodes are read. While nodes are in an inconsistent state, searches may be unreliable and consistency ONE reads may return stale data.

Async replication

Added in v1.26

Async replication runs in the background. It uses a Merkle tree algorithm to monitor and compare the state of nodes within a cluster. If the algorithm identifies an inconsistency, it resyncs the data on the inconsistent node.

Repair-on-read works well with one or two isolated repairs. Async replication is effective in situations where there are many inconsistencies. For example, if an offline node misses a series of updates, async replication quickly restores consistency when the node returns to service.

Async replication supplements the repair-on-read mechanism. If a node becomes inconsistent between sync checks, the repair-on-read mechanism catches the problem at read time.

To activate async replication, set asyncEnabled to true in the replicationConfig section of your collection definition.

Questions and feedback

If you have any questions or feedback, let us know in the user forum.